We are a technology company serving the Hospitality industry

Our goal is to support our partner restaurants in the global management of their sales by building customer loyalty, without relying on one sales channel.

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How do we achieve this? Bringing together the most experienced group of people with knowledge of the hospitality industry and engineers who love their work. CoverManager is the way to create, sell and manage your booking and orders through your direct channels. Easy to access for every establishment and customer anywhere in the world. You, all of you who are or want to be part of CoverManager, help us to keep learning from your needs, desires and customer behaviors.

We want to continue to connect good people with ambition!

Fotografía de una mano sujetando una bengala encendida.
Fotografía de un hombre y una mujer jóvenes reunidos en una mesa de trabajo.

Our goal

To support our partners in the global management of their sales by building customer loyalty, without depending on one sales channel. Bringing together the most experienced group of people with knowledge of the hospitality industry and engineers who love their work.

Our pillars

The customer, at the center

If the customer wins, so do we, and that permeates everything: our products, our service, our conditions and our way of selling


Our Hospitality is characterized by solving queries and doubts in record time, always in a friendly way


We want to feel close to our customers, for this reason we consider the customer as one of the team generating a climate of trust so you can tell us your needs at all times easily

CoverManager Trial

Technology Partner for the Hospitality Industry