Personal database

You will have your own database updated in real time and unified with your customers bookings and orders.

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Imagen donde se muestra la ficha de una cliente, en este caso VIP, con 35 visitas al restaurante, 0 no shows y una valoración de 4.5 estrellas.

Cover identifies whether the customer has been to the restaurant more times. You can have customer records that will collect from their personal data to preferences/allergies or average ticket consumed. You will be able to identify your customers with tags to segment them according to characteristics. In CoverManager there are default labels, such as VIP and BLIST, which when used, the customer's name will appear coloured. You can also create as many labels as the restaurant wants.


Contact your customers to establish a better relationship with them. CoverManager is a partner of different CRM tools.




In CoverManager you will be able to extract all the necessary information to know everything about your restaurant and the customer better than yourself.

Gráfica donde el restaurante puede ver de donde provienen las reservas: teléfono, página web, walk in...

Booking source

With CoverManager you can know the number of bookings as number of people entering through your channels: web engine, software, walk in, waiting list, third party distribution channels and cross-selling. The analysis is daily, weekly or monthly.

Imagen de ejemplo de la valoración media de los clientes, en este caso, 4.1 estrellas.


You will be able to see graphs of your ratings on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. Depending on the selected option you will see the accumulated average of the different features to be rated, the change per day or the percentage of a given score.

Gráfica que nos muestra el número de reservas realizadas, las canceladas y los no shows en base al total de todas las reservas.


Compare months to establish strategies according to market needs. You can set two intervals to analyze and check the differences between: No. of bookings/persons that went, No. of cancellations (bookings/persons) or No. of no-shows (bookings/persons).

Gráfica donde el restaurante puede comprobar el total de clientes y reservas durante un año.


Allows you to generate a multitude of reports, previously setting the date to analyze and the booking status, so you can create future business strategies based on the analyzed results. In addition, these reports can be obtained individually or by group of restaurants.


CoverManager gives you the option to know from what time your customers make bookings, such as the density by hourly occupancy of customers, tables or according to people per booking, as well as when the restaurant waiters make bookings, i.e. when they receive more phone calls.

CoverManager Trial

Technology Partner for the Hospitality Industry