Marketing solutions

We provide you with marketing tools to help you grow your business, improve your customer relationship and increase revenue on a daily basis

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Vista de una motor de reserva en el que la mitad es blanco y azul y la otra mitad negro y rojo, demostrando cómo puedes personalizarlo según tu imagen de marca.

Brand image

The booking engine is white label and customizable by CSS. We give the restaurant the possibility to adapt it to the look & feel of the website, modifying colours, buttons and fonts.

Customer communications are customizable, both in email and SMS. Modify the HTML of the emails, including banners or GIFs, and even activating the redirection of these to any page. Redirect customers to Social Networks or to inform about the establishment's policy in a creative way that attracts the diner.

Satisfaction survey

Automatically send a survey on a scale of 1-5, 1-10 by email and/or sms the day after the reservation. The restaurant can customize this questionnaire.

Vista de una ventana de “Valora tu experiencia en el restaurante” , en la que el cliente podrá dar su opinión mediante estrellas.

SMS campaigns

Launch a campaign via SMS with a mass mailing to customers or your target audience. Customer segmentation by campaigns. The campaign can be sent to all customers, to those who have ever come, those who have made a cancellation or No Show, customers with more than X reservations (to choose) or those who have the Y tag. In these SMS it is also possible to include a link, for example, to the booking engine to guide conversion. This link can then be used to measure conversion

Vista de una ventana en el sitio web del restaurante que informa al cliente sobre la posibilidad de canjear un código promocional disponible.

Promotional codes

Send campaigns according to customer types: to those who have been guests before, to those who have made a cancellation or No Show or customers with more than X bookings. It is also possible to include a link in these SMS, for example, to the booking engine in order to guide the conversion and make the assessment.


Launch campaigns associated to bookings and measure their conversion using a promoter.

Landing page

Create customized landings for events or special promotions, facilitating increased customer traffic and brand recognition in multiple languages. This page allows you to add value to your brand and encourage bookings for a specific day/time. In addition, it would serve as a direct link to the purchase of menus, sales of cooking classes, special offers, etc.

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